CLOTH LINED ENVELOPES : You care about the environment and so do we. So we make sure that we carry a selection of recycled envelopes for your stationery, business mail, and promotional material. These recycled envelopes are created from consumer paper. Then, to ensure you have the variety of Size in Cloth Lined envelopes, our recycled envelopes are offered in an enormous range of sizes and colors. Green & Yellow Cloth Envelopes - varieties (Super Fine Cloth) (Fine Cloth) (Sonal Cloth) (Regular Cloth) Cloth quality: We Provide 40 Count Cotton Yarn.
Regular - 14 Tpi (thread Per Inch) papers are being used:
85 Gsm Mg Green Poster Paper Ribbed/unribbed Paper we can do customized Cloth Lined Envelopes according to customer wishes. |
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